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Residential Drainage

From blocked drains, EQC repairs to new house drainage, Broomhall Drainage + Civil can provide the full range of services for your residential property.


Our residential services include:

Blocked Drains

New sewer and stormwater pipes



EQC Repairs

Pre-purchase inspections

Septic tanks


Our residential services include:

Blocked Drains

New sewer and stormwater pipes



EQC Repairs


Pre-purchase inspections

Septic tanks

If you’re unsure whether your sewer and storm water drains have received damage caused during the Christchurch earthquakes, Broomhall Draiange + Civil can help!

EQC Repairs

Broomhall Drainage + Civil offer a free earthquake survey of both your storm water and mains sewer - this involves a member of our team putting a camera down your drains and checking for cracks, joint displacement and other signs of earthquake damage. If we find any earthquake related damage to the drains, we would then write a report and quote for repairs and get that through to EQC, essentially, BD+C manage the claim for you making it a very simple process!

 If EQC agree with our report findings, they will then approve the claim and we would come in do the repairs based on the submitted report. If we find no damage or if EQC don’t approve the claim, you will not charge you for the survey.

Conditions Apply

Property has ceramic/earthenware drains/pipe (or if the drains are PVC there needs to be evidence of earthquake damage to the drains).

There was a claim against the property with EQC either during the 2010 or 2011 earthquakes - this could have been for anything; it does not need to have been for drainage.

The property was/is not, over the EQC cap for payout.

By agreeing to the free survey you accept that Broomhall Drainage + Civil will be undertaking any of the drainage work EQC might cash settle on.

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